About HandRes

HandRes is committed to providing the most complete wireless travel and reservation service for all wireless Internet users, carriers, and service providers.

HandRes believes that by utilizing the power of the Internet, we can deliver a superior service which is free, and is independent of proprietary software. In doing so, we can offer a service which is compatible with any device readily available to the consumer. Our committment to excellence is reflected within the partners, the affiliates, and the developers of our service. Using these strengths, we will become a highly recognized service which will benefit the whole wireless Internet community.

We believe that the near future for wireless personal digital assistants holds increased miniaturization, speed, and computing power.

We believe internet users will want to use their devices just like their home PCs, and not have to bother with downloading channels. Users will continue to use a miniature version of a familiar browser directly on their device with respectable transfer rates. We believe that this new industry is all heading towards the hand-held equivalent of your current business PC.
